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The coaching relationship is an alliance focused on developing a Client’s awareness, right thinking pattern, effective communication and right actions to help the Client identify and achieve his or her goals. Your coach is there to teach you strategies to become personally empowered.

Coaching is not therapy or counseling, and does not treat illness or pathology. Client understands that Coach is not a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or other medical or mental health professional. 

Coach cares about serving the most powerful part of who you are and about giving you more than you ever thought possible. 

About your coaching sessions:

1. Coach will coach “in the moment” in regards to whatever the intention of the client is at the time of the session.
2. At the scheduled time, you will call or connect Coach at (phone / skype/google or any other agreed media), unless requested to do otherwise.
3. You are fully responsible for the decisions and actions you take in regards to your life and affairs.
4. You agree to be mindful of your own well-being during this coaching process.
5. Coaching has two aspects, insight and its application. You are responsible for both. You take ownership over your deeds and step forward not just with insight but with appropriate action. 
6. You undertake to behave professionally, courteously and respectfully in all dealings with coach, any person(s) acting on behalf of your coach.

Refund Policies:
None, there will be no refunds on Coaching Services as a matter of course, I want clients who are committed.
Cancellation Policy:
If you must cancel your scheduled coaching session, a 24-hour notice is required. Otherwise, that missed session will be counted as one of your sessions.
In case, coach must cancel any scheduled coaching session or you have requested for rescheduling within appropriate time, you can book another slot based on the availability.


You understand that the coach makes no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, about any results to be achieved.
You can in no way hold the coach liable or responsible for any actions you take during or after this coaching relationship.
Client is responsible for their own physical, emotional and mental well-being, including choices and actions concerning the same.
Coach is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any Coaching Services provided by the Coach.  
In no event, Coach be liable to the Client for consequential, indirect/ special damages, and any loss of earnings, profit, business, goodwill and/or anticipated savings (in each case whether such loss or damage is direct or indirect).

Photos and Recordings:
You consent to photos & videos being taken during the Services and to such photos being used by me for any business administration, lecture, teaching, coaching and marketing materials used (including, without limitation, any website) or other goods and services offered, by me in the future, without any entitlement to compensation arising for you.

You hereby confirm that you do not object to the storage of copies of the photos & videos for the purposes mentioned above, or to storing your contact details on my database in case I need to contact you. 


Coach agrees to treat all information shared during sessions as private and confidential. However, this shall not apply to the extent that any information is required to be disclosed by law or by any court or public body having binding authority to require such disclosure.


By signing below/ clicking on Book Now or Pay Now on the Acuity Scheduling page at, you acknowledge that you have had the opportunity to review this agreement, that you understand all aspects within it, and you agree to abide by it.

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